Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button,Chapters 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solutions for each.

I think that Benjamin will stop loving his wife and will end up leavin her because each and every year he is gettin younger and she is gettin older than him and because he is young he would whanna do more of young people things that she would not like to do all she whould whanna do more of old people things. My solution is that i would leave her because she is gettin old and we wount have the same taste no more.

Another thing that might happen is that when he is out there having fun doing things that young people like to do he might fall in love with other girl his age but then he would not be able 2 get with her because he is married. My solution to this is if that happened to me what i would do is just listen to my heart and go with the person i love.

Another thing that could happen is that like each year he gets young and she gets older and like he is young he is going to be more on having fun than to be with his kid and like she is gettin older she is going to pass the weight and when then the baby wun't have nobody to take care of him. If i was him i would forget al about having fun and spend time with my baby because he is gunna grow up with nobody to raise him up.


  1. i think that is a good idea probaly they will get divorce at the end of the story because they are not the same as they used to be

  2. qOoD JOoB BRiAN


  3. nice job i didnt know you could work so well.
